Seeking monoclonal antibodies with optimal selectivity, specificity, and binding affinity? ProteoGenix combines the most extended range of services and the best experts in antibody production to bring you tailor-made solutions adapted to your unique needs. Whether you are looking for antibodies for therapy, research, and diagnostics, we will put all essential resources and solutions at your service to ensure you always receive the best monoclonal antibodies for your projects. Our experts and account managers are here to help you bring your ideas to life!

Selected References of Monoclonal Antibodies Developed by ProteoGenix

JP Barnier et al., The minor pilin PilV provides a conserved adhesion site throughout the antigenically variable meningococcal type IV pilus. PNAS 118, (45) e2109364118 (2021).

H Cerutti et al., Large scale production and characterization of SARS-CoV-2 whole antigen for serological test development. J Clin Lab Anal 35, (4) 23735 (2021).

N Yacov et al., MOSPD2 is a therapeutic target for the treatment of CNS inflammation. Clin Exp Imm 201, (2) 105-20 (2020).

PC Maity et al., IGLV3-21*01 is an inherited risk factor for CLL through the acquisition of a single-point mutation enabling autonomous BCR signaling. PNAS 117, (8) 4320-27 (2020).

M Fresquet et al., Autoantigens PLA2R and THSD7A in membranous nephropathy share a common epitope motif in the N-terminal domain. J Autoimm 106, 102308 (2020).

P Cunha et al., Expansion, isolation and first characterization of bovine Th17 lymphocytes. Nature Sci Rep 9, 16115 (2019).

M Krifa et al., Limoniastrum guyonianum aqueous gall extract induces apoptosis in human cervical cancer cells involving p16INK4A re-expression related to UHRF1 and DNMT1 down-regulation. J Exp Clin Canc Res 32, (30) (2013).

E Faure et al., Probable presence of an ubiquitous cryptic mitochondrial gene on the antisense strand of the cytochrome oxidase I gene. Biol Direct 6, (56) (2011).

Monoclonal antibody production from
antigen design to bioproduction

Antigen design

  • Peptide
  • Protein
  • DNA

Monoclonal antibody generation

  • Hybridoma development
  • Antibody phage display

Antibody engineering


Monoclonal antibody production

  • Recombinant antibody production
  • Stable cell line generation
  • Ascites and culture supernatant

Our monoclonal antibody production is fully customizable and made to be adaptable to your project. Tell us about your project, select the services you need and get your perfect monoclonal antibody!

Antigen design

Antigen design is an essential step to get the most appropriate monoclonal antibodies for your application. Since 2003, ProteoGenix has performed:

  • 5000+ gene synthesis
  • 20000+ peptide synthesis
  • 1500+ protein expressions

As an expert in gene, protein and peptide synthesis, ProteoGenix takes care of providing exceptionally high-purity antigens. All our antigens are designed in such a way to be as close as possible as the native antigen you are targeting. This guarantees the best quality of your monoclonal antibody production.

Monoclonal antibody generation

ProteoGenix strives at providing the most complete range of solutions for your monoclonal antibody production. Developing monoclonal antibodies without animal use or against a toxic antigen are challenges we can easily overcome thanks to our antibody phage display services. Hybridoma development remains a reference for the generation of high affinity antibodies. Thus, it represents the gold-standard for custom assay development.

Monoclonal antibody engineering

ProteoGenix selected the world best experts in antibody engineering (average experience of 25 years) to take care of your monoclonal antibody development. Monoclonal antibody humanization, antibody affinity maturation, conjugation/fragmentation, our full-range of antibody engineering possibilities was conceived to provide global solutions for your therapeutic antibody and custom assay development projects.

With 3 therapeutic antibodies on the market and 30+ in preclinical or clinical trials, our unrivalled track record demonstrates our ability to construct successful monoclonal antibody development strategies even in the most challenging environments.

Monoclonal antibody production

We propose monoclonal antibody production depending on your needs:

  • from small to large scale
  • in vivo (ascites production) or in vitro (hybridoma cell culture, recombinant antibody production, stable cell line generation).

Choosing the best monoclonal antibody production service will mainly depend on several criteria such as:

  • the amount of antibody needed
  • your final application
  • your timeline
  • your budget

Contact our PhD account managers and benefit from their long-standing experience in monoclonal antibody production to determine the most relevant strategy for your project.

Check the answers to the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) about monoclonal antibody production on our dedicated knowledge center.

Hybridoma Phage display
Species Mouse/Rat No limitations
Direct access to sequence & recombinant antibody No Yes (excellent for therapeutic antibodies)
Potential antigen immunogenicity issue Yes No (naïve library only)
Potential clone viability issue Yes No
Antibody sensitivity High Medium
Antibody diversity Medium High
Lead time +++ +
Budget + +++
Animal protection Animal injections and sacrifice No animal use (naïve library only)

Depending on your budget, time, and the importance of your monoclonal antibody production project, we can advise to go for both antibody phage display and hybridoma development in parallel in order to obtain a wider range of clones and increase the probability to succeed to get the perfect antibody.

Hybridoma technology is highly relevant for monoclonal antibody generation with high sensitivity for the target antigen. Thus, this antibody production method is the reference for assay development. Due to its lower price compared to phage display, hybridoma development represents also a good alternative for therapeutic antibody development. In this context, our hybridoma development service can be associated to our antibody humanization and affinity maturation services to get an optimized humanized antibody.

In most of cases, antibody phage display will be the preferred method for therapeutic antibody development. Phage display is based on cDNA fragments obtained from the mRNA isolated from B lymphocytes. B lymphocytes can originate from various species without any restriction, including humans. The cDNA coding for VH and VL segments can be cloned in an expression vector next to a protein of a bacteriophage (usually pIII, pVII or pVIII) before infecting E. coli. This results in large libraries (~1010) which can be screened indefinitely for new antibody generation.

Antibody phage display for therapeutic antibody discovery offers several advantages:

  • High antibody diversity depending on the size of libraries,
  • Possibility to screen directly human libraries (direct access to fully human antibodies),
  • Possibility to screen toxic antigens,
  • Fast process including fast access to the antibody sequence and to recombinant antibody production,
  • No animal use once the library is made.


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